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vaccine case
? 在国外访问的中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平对吉林长春长生生物疫苗案件作出重要指示指出,长春长生生物科技有限责任公司违法违规生产疫苗行为,性质恶劣,令人触目惊心(hideous and appalling)。
? Relevant departments and local authorities should pay close attention and immediately probe the case to find the truth, Xi said, adding that the investigation should be thorough, the punishment severe, the accountability held seriously, and the case's progress should be publicized on time to address public concern.
? 习近平强调,
It is a bounden responsibility for Party committees and governments at all levels to ensure drug safety and the people's health should always be a top priority. A firm determination should be mustered to improve the country's vaccine management system, resolutely guard the bottom line of safety, and utmost efforts should be made to protect the people's interests and social security and stability.
? 此前,李克强总理就疫苗事件作出批示:
The vaccine case crossed a moral line, and the nation deserves a clear explanation.
? 李克强在批示中要求,
The State Council should immediately send a group to thoroughly investigate the production and selling chain of vaccine, to uncover the truth as soon as possible, and any wrongdoing will be severely punished regardless of who is involved.
Any illegal acts that could harm the people's lives should be severely cracked down and people behind it punished in accordance with law. Any dereliction of duty in the supervision authority should be held accountable, and we should give the people a living environment that is safe, trustworthy and credible.
? 15日,国家药品监督管理局组织对长春长生生物科技有限责任公司开展检查(launch an investigation of Changchun Chang-sheng Bio-tech Co),发现长春长生"冻干人用狂犬病疫苗(freeze-dried rabies vaccines for human use)"生产存在记录造假等严重违反《药品生产质量管理规范》的行为。20日,吉林省食药监局又宣布对去年11月份发现的长生生物子公司长春长生的疫苗造假事件进行处罚,公告称,长春长生生产的一批约25万支不合格的无细胞百白破疫苗(substandard DTaP vaccine)。
? 根据长生生物的公告,在被查之前该批次25.26万支效价指标不合格的无细胞百白破疫苗(252,600 doses of the substandard DTaP vaccine that couldn't meet the standard of immunity results)已全部销售往山东省。中国疾病预防控制中心有关专家称,不合格的百白破疫苗可能影响免疫效果(immune effects),但不会对人们的健康构成威胁(pose safety threats to people's health)。
? 根据习近平指示和李克强要求,国务院已建立专门工作机制,并派出调查组进驻长春长生生物科技有限责任公司进行立案调查。吉林省成立省市两级案件查处领导小组,配合国务院调查组做好相关工作,并结合此案件全面排查高风险药品企业(look into all other high-risk pharmaceutical companies)。吉林省食品药品监督管理局已收回长春长生狂犬病疫苗药品GMP证书(revoke Changchun Changsheng's drug GMP certificate for rabies vaccines),停止该企业狂犬病疫苗生产及销售(halt their production and sale),暂停该企业所有产品批签发(suspend the approval of the company's all sorts of products)。目前,长春长生董事长高某芳等15名涉案人员已被长春新区公安分局依法刑事拘留(criminal detention);吉林、山东两省纪委监委启动对长春长生疫苗案可能存在的腐败问题展开调查(conduct inspections regarding any possible corruption problems)。
伪造 fabricate
狂犬病 rabies
白喉 diphtheria
百日咳 pertussis
破伤风 tetanus
reform of the World Trade Organization/WTO reform
China's Ministry of Commerce on Thursday said the country supported the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
? 美国和欧盟25日同意通过谈判缓解贸易摩擦(mitigate trade tensions),并提出改革世贸组织。商务部新闻发言人高峰26日表示,中方对世贸组织改革(WTO reform)持支持态度,希望能够照顾大多数成员关切,反映大多数成员诉求(address the concerns of most members and reflect their needs)。
? 针对美欧达成的贸易共识(the trade consensus reached between the US and the EU),高峰表示,不打贸易战是好事,不仅对欧美,对全世界都是如此(it's not only good for the EU and the US, but good for the whole world)。中方将关注双方声明能否得到真正落实(pay attention to whether the statement will materialize)。
? 高峰指出,希望通过渐进式改革(gradual reform),确保世贸组织基本宗旨不变(the primary purpose of the WTO should remain unchanged),基本原则不受挑战(its fundamental principle should not be challenged),同时,增强世贸组织的权威性和领导力(strengthen the authoritativeness and leadership of the WTO),强化自由贸易原则与多边贸易体制的基本功能和作用(consolidate the basic functions and role of free trade principle and multilateral trading system),更好地促进全球自由贸易和经济全球化(promote global free trade and economic globalization)。
区域自由贸易 regional free trade
经济全球化 economic globalization
区域经济一体化 regional economic integration
多边贸易体制 multilateral trading regime
licenses to run virtual telecom network services
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology granted licenses to 15 companies on Monday to run virtual telecom network services.
? 移动通信转售业务(mobile communication resale business)就是俗称的虚拟网络运营商(virtual network operator),指本身没有电信基础设施(do not own the telecommunication infrastructure),从其他电信运营商(telecommunications suppliers)那里购买网络服务(buy network services),再将其转售给消费者的管理服务提供商(provider of management services)。目前市场上以170、171开头的手机号就是虚拟运营商号码。
? 2013年5月,工信部为鼓励引导民间资本(private capital)进入电信领域,发布移动通信业务转售方案。从2013年底首批牌照发放以来,共有42家企业分5批获得虚拟运营商试点牌照(pilot operation licenses)。工信部数据显示,截止2017年12月,我国的虚拟网络服务用户(virtual network service subscribers)超过6000万,占全国移动通信用户的4.1%。虚拟网络服务行业吸引民间投资32亿元,创造了近6万个工作岗位(create nearly 60,000 jobs)。
? 工信部官网显示,阿里巴巴、小米及京东均在此次获得牌照的15家企业之列(15 companies that have got the licenses from the government)。他们也是首批与中国联通签署合作协议的企业(the first batch of players that have inked cooperation agreements with China Unicom)。
移动通信网络 mobile communication network
公用电话 pay phone
话费账单 phone bill
资费套餐 payment scheme
隐性收费 hidden charge
流量不清零服务 rollover data service
online store
The British Museum recently opened an online store on China's e-commerce platform Tmall, competing with the Palace Museum on the platform, which has successfully been selling souvenirs.
? 大英博物馆网店(online store)出售各种主题的胶带、手包、手机壳(mobile phone shell)等商品,主题包括罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta stone)、埃及木乃伊(Egyptian mummy)、日本名画"神奈川冲浪里(The Great Wave off Kanagawa)"以及刘易斯岛象棋(the Isle of Lewis chess pieces)等。
? 首批发售的20款产品(first launched 20 items)中,有15款已暂时售罄(temporarily sold out)。据国内科技新闻网站36氪报道,该店铺上线首日就吸引了3万多粉丝(attract over 30,000 followers),截至27日,其粉丝量已达15.1万。
? 目前故宫(Palace Museum)在淘宝和天猫的两家店共有约366万粉丝,在售商品超过500件,其中部分商品的月销量超过1万件(register monthly sales volume of more than 10,000)。截止2016年年底,故宫开发的文创产品(cultural and creative products)达9170件,2016年的文创产品销售收入超过10亿元。此外,中国国家博物馆(National Museum of China)、苏州博物馆、陕西历史博物馆等也都在近几年开通了线上旗舰店。这么多博物馆上线开店,你最中意哪家呢?
热卖 sell like hot cakes
走红 go viral
商机 business opportunity
文化影响力 cultural influence
编辑:马文英 丁一
实习生:李昱漫 应杞璐
Text "CD" to 10658000.
Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.